22 players competed in the fourth quarter blitz tournament, six of whom had chess.com ratings over 2000, and two of whom were National Masters. The average rating was 1640, the highest to date in all our tournaments.
It was an extraordinary final result with 7 players finishing on 7 points and places being determined using modified median. In first place was NM Matthew Fishbein who won a medal and chess sweatshirt donated by Eduardo from Infinite Variations. In second place was newcomer Nagaraj Kaushik who won a medal and JP Chess Mug. Third place medal went to NM Ryan Young. The star performer award went to Andres Llerena with 7/10 who won a one hour chess lesson (donated by NM Ryan Young).
Thanks to Adam and Jim for being the on-site organizers for the tournament.
Full results in the chart below.
